add option --nioprocs to CarpetIOHDF5

Issue #2220 resolved
Roland Haas created an issue

This lets one use hdf5_slicer to extract datasets from foo.file_0.h5 and foo.file_1.h5 into bar.file_0.h5 and bar.file_1.h5 and still be able to use them afterwards (useful eg to separate out files written with one_file_per_group, to extract only certain timesteps).

Currently, one has to resort to the lower level hdf5_extract and write some shell code like this

for i in grid-coordinates.file*.h5 ; do
  for d in x y z ; do
    h5ls $i | gawk -vd=$d '{sub(" (Dataset|Group).*","");
      if(match($0,"GRID::"d) || /Parameters/) { print }}' >dsets.txt
    hdf5_extract dsets.txt $i $d.${i#*.}

to achieve this.

Keyword: CarpetIOHDF5

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