Doesn't output complete command to screen

Issue #47 closed
Erik Schnetter created an issue

SimFactory doesn't output the complete commands that it executes. It seems to omit the local environcmd. For example, below is the output of an aborted command. The top shows the screen output, the error message below shows the actual command which also contains a "{ :; }".

Executing: rsync --rsh='ssh ' --rsync-path=/usr/local/packages/numrel/rsync-3.0.7/bin/rsync --archive --hard-links --sparse --verbose --progress --partial --stats --compress --delete --delete-excluded --filter 'protect .pyc' --exclude '_darcs' --exclude 'CVS' --exclude 'doxygen' --exclude '.#' --exclude '.DS_Store' --exclude '.git' --exclude '.hg' --exclude '.svn' --exclude '~' --exclude '.pyc' --exclude '' CONTRIBUTORS COPYRIGHT Makefile arrangements lib repos simfactory src cactus.config perl-simfactory

sending incremental file list ^CKilled by signal 2. rsync error: unexplained error (code 255) at rsync.c(600) [sender=3.0.7] Error 65280 occured while executing command "{ :; } && rsync --rsh='ssh ' --rsync-path=/usr/local/packages/numrel/rsync-3.0.7/bin/rsync --archive --hard-links --sparse --verbose --progress --partial --stats --compress --delete --delete-excluded --filter 'protect .pyc' --exclude '_darcs' --exclude 'CVS' --exclude 'doxygen' --exclude '.#' --exclude '.DS_Store' --exclude '.git' --exclude '.hg' --exclude '.svn' --exclude '~' --exclude '.pyc' --exclude '' CONTRIBUTORS COPYRIGHT Makefile arrangements lib repos simfactory src cactus.config perl-simfactory"


Comments (3)

  1. anonymous
    • changed status to resolved
    • removed comment

    Unable to reproduce. When I issue a sim sync, this is the output I get:

    local_sourcebasedir: Users/mike/cactus path: Cactus Executing: /bin/bash -c "{ :; } && { :; } && rsync --rsh='ssh -Y' --rsync-path=/home/eschnett/rsync-3.0.6/bin/rsync --archive --hard-links --sparse --verbose --progress --partial --stats --compress --delete --delete-excluded --filter 'protect *.pyc' --exclude '_darcs' --exclude 'CVS' --exclude 'doxygen' --exclude '.#*' --exclude '.DS_Store' --exclude '.git' --exclude '.hg' --exclude '.svn' --exclude '*' --exclude '*.pyc' CONTRIBUTORS COPYRIGHT Makefile arrangements lib repos simfactory src"

  2. anonymous
    • removed comment

    It's entirely possible I fixed this when I wrapped every command in /bin/bash to allow for the curly braces to be interpreted regardless of what the local shell is.

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