CarpetIO* output parameter format error

Issue #665 new
Luca Baiotti created an issue

Even if it is an unofficial feature, the output parameter format for public variables, e.g.:


should be accepted. Instead, I found that when requesting output as

IOASCII::out1D_vars = "TestOutput::testoutput"

for a *public:* or *protected:* variable group of the type:

CCTK_REAL testoutput[nvar] type=GF TimeLevels=1 Dim=3 { output } ""

where nvar is an integer parameter and the thorn name is TestOutput and differs from the implementation name, Carpet complains that

WARNING[L1,P0] (Cactus): CCTK_TraverseString: invalid group/variable name 'TestOutput::testoutput' in traversed string 'TestOutput::testoutput' WARNING level 0 in thorn IOUtil processor 0 host mbaiotti2-2.local (line 140 of

/Users/baiotti/Cactus.fresh-checkout/arrangements/CactusBase/IOUtil/src/Utils.c): -> error while parsing parameter 'IOBasic::outInfo_vars'

For *private:* arrays of variables it works.

I attach an example thorn and parfile.

Keyword: syntax Keyword: for Keyword: variable Keyword: names

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